
Santiago Atitlán, Guatemala   Some trips are well researched and planned ahead of time. Other times, you’re standing on a Panajachel dock gazing out at a beautiful Guatemalan Lago Atitlán wondering how to fill your afternoon with the few Quetzales you still have in your pocket. You might pull out your phone Read more…

Palm Cross

Portland, Oregon Riding back from a hike in an amazing lavatube in Washington, I noticed this small cross on the dashboard. Its owner, a new friend of mine who had recently migrated to the west coast from Lawrence, Kansas to visit some mutual friends and find a place to settle – Read more…


Mexico City, Mexico Templo Mayor is a large pyramid complex right in Mexico City’s downtown, “Zocalo.” For seven consecutive generations, Aztec leaders on the site build pyramids – the pyramid of the predecessor being used as a base for his successor to build on top. Now mostly eroded, one can Read more…


Guadalajara, Mexico; Mexico City, Mexico There is something great about Magic. I think that we miss it a lot in the US suburbs – most of our superstitions are based on generic protestant Christianity rituals. Even the Catholics among us in the US don’t branch out a whole lot. Mexico has Read more…